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The Queen Of Getting Results: Tachi Dodero

by Shopify API |

Tachi Dodero is a master at getting results as an esthetician, and she has the pictures to prove it. This Portland, Oregon based esthi has a passion for helping people see their best skin, and she customizes the products and techniques she uses for every client that walks through her door. Whether you're a professional yourself or you're just looking for what to look for in an esthetician, read on to get some serious knowledge. 

How long have you been an esthetician?

Since 2004

How did you get into esthetics?

I have always loved all things beauty, creative, and nurturing others. I essentially started before I was aware this was something people where actually paid to do. I started at a young age by doing face painting at art fairs and festivals where my parents had a booth and were crafts people. After receiving my first facial 17 years ago, and experiencing what I considered to be one of the best thing that ever happened to me, I started esthetics school. 

What do you like most about your job?

I love the connection with my clients. It’s not often in life that you get back what you put in to a particular relationship.  The relationships that I have been fortunate enough to develop with my clients brings me immense joy. 

How long have you been working with HydroPeptide products?

Oh gosh, I believe I started with them in 2013. 

What do you like most about working with HydroPeptide products?

I love that I can attain the results that my clients desire coupled with giving them a luxurious, and relaxing experience.

What is your approach to skincare?

I am very thoughtful and precise and believe in taking care of the skin from the inside out. The idea is a long term approach, meaning keeping the skin healthy by doing monthly, minimally invasive treatments and having my clients on specialized home care products that are used correctly. 

Which is your favorite HP Product?

That’s a really tough question!  Can I do a top 3? I can’t live without the tinted solar defense, and I’m in love with both the face lift and power lift. 

What does your signature facial consist of? 

Each facial I administer is customized to the individual. Typically, each facial will consist of a deep cleansing, a mild yet effective enzymatic exfoliation, gentle extractions, a customized mask, lymph drainage massage, neck, shoulder, arm and hand massage, and facial massage. 

How did you get such amazing results in your before and afters?

In office, I administered superficial enzymatic or chemical peels along with a customized home care regimen. They both used the Nimni cream as part of their skin care regime. 

What’s your advice for women with aging skin? 

Always use plenty of sunscreen and have a customized home care regimen that you follow faithfully. To maximize results have a monthly professional treatment. And of course, eating a clean diet with lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean protein. Drink plenty of water and keep your body moving.

Why is getting a facial regularly important? 

I see it as preventive care for your skin. During your treatment, the skin can be monitored to see if any changes need to be made in your home care routine. It’s a time to connect with clients, asking and answering any questions to make sure everything is being done in order to get the results they desire. Receiving a facial amplifies the results achieved from doing home care.

What keeps your clients coming back for more?

I believe it’s the personal connection that’s created with each client. I am fortunate enough to love my work and that really shines through with my personal approach and results oriented treatments. 

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